An Unlikely Solution to Ageism
Maybe you’ve noticed—or at least I hope you have—that I talk a lot about age bias and how it eats away at the fabric of our workplaces and undermines our ability to find success and win together.
Age bias is what happens when people embrace age-related stereotypes and make assumptions based on what generation a colleague happens to represent. It’s largely unhelpful, and it’s subtle—most of the time, we operate with age bias and we don’t realize it.
When we do realize it, we have an opportunity to change course. This is good—it’s the path to better work relationships and workplace wins. However, it would be a mistake to over correct and banish age or generational distinctions altogether, though sometimes that can be tempting.
So what’s the solution?
Erasing age-based differences is neither realistic or helpful. We simply cannot ignore someone’s age, especially when it’s literally the first thing we see, either consciously or subconsciously. And yes, we must take into account one’s experience, both the range and the lack thereof. And there is value in both ends of that spectrum, otherwise known as fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence.
According to psychologist Raymond Cattell, our general intelligence can be broken into two categories: fluid v. crystalized. “Fluid intelligence is the capacity to think speedily and reason flexibly in order to solve new problems without relying on past experience and accumulated knowledge.”
Research attributes this capacity to youth, usually peaking around age 40. So those in the younger generations might not have a lot of experiences to draw on in decision making, but their ability to think on their feet is greater.
What about those in the older generations? We can be good at thinking on our feet, too, but we might not be quite as fast—maybe because we’re parsing through more years of experience. This is crystallized intelligence:
“Crystallized intelligence refers to the ability to utilize skills and knowledge acquired via prior learning.The use of crystallized intelligence involves recalling pre-existing information and skills” (Horn, 1969).
Crystallized intelligence rises gradually through adulthood. Its peak has yet to be ascertained.
Younger people are more likely to use fluid intelligence and older people are more likely to use crystalized intelligence. Both kinds are vital.
The solution to kicking age bias isn’t a pendulum swing in the opposite direction, attempting to not see age at all. But rather, appreciating the benefits that come with whatever age you and your colleagues are. Some of us have experience, some of us have speed, but precious few of us have both.
Bottom line: We need each other.