"Why?"—Do You Ask?
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When I first faced the generation gap, it was in the classroom. A group of young Millennials, the first on the college scene for the new generation, brought a question I'd never before had to answer as professor: WHY?
Why do we have to take this class?
Why is it part of our program?
Why do we have to learn these things?
Thinkers and pragmatists at heart, they hesitated to learn before they understood the purpose. Ever since that first encounter, I've been learning more and more the power of that question, why. Engaging in meaningful discussions about why is one of the best ways we can bridge the generation gap.
Why do we operate with the systems, traditions, and practices we do?
For Older Generations (Traditionalists, Xers, Boomers, and some Millennials)
By engaging in Why Conversations, we:
Demonstrate that we're taking younger generations seriously and respect their curiosity (even if it's not always presented in the way we think it should have been).
Admit that "because we've always done it this way" is not a valid answer.
Acknowledge that while we were not as driven by Why? as young adults are today, it will not stop us from joining the investigation now.
Do what Perennials do.
For Younger Generations (Young Millennials, GenZ, Alpha)
By engaging in Why? Conversations, you:
Take older generations seriously and respect their experience.
Affirm traditions worth keeping and show where innovations can replace outdated systems and procedures.
Acknowledge that change is a process which requires patience. It's not easy, but that won't stop you from joining the investigation.
Do what Perennials do.
Here's the scary part, though: Sometimes we have to say "I don't know" to this question of Why? Whether you're on the younger side of the conversation or the older side, at some point, you may have to admit that you don't have the answer to a part of the question. But that's okay. Working together with humility, authenticity, and grace to discover the answer is an incredibly helpful and meaningful activity.
I learned to say "I don't know" and it helped me gain credibility and build relationships with my students. In the end, the class proved to work harder and with more success than I think any of us had expected.
When we learn to engage in Why? Conversations, we do what Simon Sinek says in his book, "Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action", which helps people "become more inspired at work, and in turn inspire their colleagues and customers."* That's a goal of Creativia's Generational Diversity resources, too.
Now: Go forth, and ask Why?!
*I'm not getting paid to tell you this—it's just a really good book!