Gentelligent Practices: Long Term Retention Repair

In Michigan, we know potholes. And flat tires. Every time we hit a pothole we wonder how much it’s gonna cost.

I’ve been thinking and writing about retention issues as organizational flat tires. These “flat tires” keep our work teams from reaching their destinations. It may start out as a slow leak, but then turn into the vicious cycle of recruiting, hiring, and replacing employees in increasingly short periods of time. Retention flat tires. 

First we have to identify the potholes—Where are your organizational potholes? 

Flexible work schedules? BTO vs. Hybrid schedules? 

Part of Michigan’s problem is the huge winter temperature fluctuations. Our asphalt is not engineered with the elasticity needed to expand and contract quickly. Similarly, strain on workplace roads comes from the fluctuation in expectations and needs of five generations trying to reach the same destination in different cars or routes. Without a foundation with enough elasticity to adapt to these fluctuations, workplace roads will be riddled with potholes and retention flat tires.

Let’s “Fix the Damn Roads”

That’s the rally cry of governor Gretchen Whitmer. And for our retention issues, it’s now more urgent than ever. But how? Get out the repair manual I introduced a couple weeks ago: Gentellelligence.  The road to generational sustainability begins when you individually engage in Practice One—Resist Making Assumptions: Constantly question your own biases. Don’t jump to conclusions based on generational tropes and stereotypes.

The next thing that helps tear up the old roads that cause so many retention flat tires is Practice TwoAdjust the Lens: Carefully discern, but not assume the intent and interest behind the attitudes and actions of those across generations.

Now the fixing can begin. Doing it right requires a commitment of time and resources to develop generational sustainability. Age variables of perspective, experiences, strengths and needs must be factored into team processes. This requires expert assistance, just like specialists devise advanced asphalt mixtures to make durable, flexible, sustainable roads in Germany—ones that last 10-30 years without major rehabilitation.

Now the rebuild. You need Gentelligence Practice 3—Build Trust: Foster an environment where all-aged people focus on shared interests and feel welcome to share ideas and ask for help.

It sounds so easy, but it takes time, practice, and support to master it. Rome, as they say, wasn’t built in a day.

Take it For a Spin

Last month I presented to the Michigan Association of County Treasurers about Engaging Five Generations in the Workplace. We used a Gentelligence prompt to start intentional intergenerational conversations. The prompt starts with: "Ask Me About...." (p. 83) Everyone completes this sentence with something they have expertise in, related to work or not. Why? We learn things about each other, make new connections, and realize that regardless of age, everyone can contribute something of value to the group.  

And then, the follow-up: How can these varied kinds of expertise make our team stronger?

In case you are wondering, we have county treasurers who know how to make great Halloween costumes, teach singing lessons, coach others on how to deal with difficult clients, and make great cinnamon rolls.

Try it next time you have an intergenerational team gathering. Tell me about the outcomes.

Rubber, Meet Road

The final Gentelligence principle requires trust while building more trust: Principle 4—Expand the Pie: Reject generational competition. Seek ways to leverage mutually beneficial knowledge for collaboration.

This is how you pass the ultimate stress test for organizational flexibility. Teams understand and trust each other enough to give input, listen to others, and negotiate outcomes. When this happens workers feel like they belong. They don’t want easy; they want purposeful, challenging work. But they need to know they are respected, heard, and make a difference.

Who knows when our Michigan roads will be fixed for good, but every little bit helps. So too in your organization. These Gentelligence principles take time, and it won’t always be perfect. But every little bit helps. Just start filling one pothole at a time. 

I’d love to help you get started. 

More soon,


Mary Cooney